VOPs and Jabra Headsets

See also VOP Sound Issues.

Voice Operator Panel  (VOP) computers are commonly used with Jabra headsets; these are connected via USB. Once setup, the VOP software looks for the headset each time it loads. If the headset is absent, the application will alert the user and ask for approval to default to other sound devices i.e. loudspeaker(s).

Importantly, the VOP software does not automatically detect that headset has been plugged in while it is running. 

So, if the software has been opened without the headset, or the headset USB connection fail in any way:

The software should then detect the presence of the headset and reassert the necessary settings.


Article ID: 98
Created On: Fri, Jun 9, 2017 at 5:37 PM
Last Updated On: Wed, Jun 14, 2017 at 4:43 PM

Online URL: https://knowledgebase.stickman.co.uk/article.php?id=98